
Our Product


Benefits of Medigou ALOEMORINGA Juice

Provides Hydration

Acts as a Digestive Support

Improves Skin Health

Increases Immunity

Helps in Detoxification

Natural Energy Booster

Get To Know The Ingredients Used


Aloe vera is a remarkable plant renowned for its numerous health and skincare benefits. With its succulent, gel-filled leaves, aloe vera has been used for centuries to soothe and heal various skin irritations, from sunburn to minor cuts and burns. Its natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties make it a popular choice for skincare products. Additionally, aloe vera's internal consumption, often in the form of juice or supplements, can aid in digestion, hydration, and immune support. This versatile plant has earned its place as a go-to remedy for a wide range of wellness needs, both inside and out.


Drumstick, also known as Moringa, is a highly nutritious and versatile plant commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. Its long, slender pods are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a valuable addition to diets in many parts of the world. Drumstick leaves, pods, and flowers are all edible and can be used in various culinary dishes. Not only is it a rich source of vitamins like A and C, but it also offers potential health benefits, such as improved digestion, enhanced immunity, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Ginger is a fragrant and flavorful root commonly used in cooking and traditional medicine. Its spicy and slightly sweet taste adds a unique depth of flavor to dishes and beverages. Beyond its culinary uses, ginger is celebrated for its potential health benefits. It is renowned for its anti-nausea properties, making it a popular remedy for motion sickness and morning sickness during pregnancy. Ginger also possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help alleviate various ailments, from sore throats to arthritis discomfort. Whether grated, sliced, or brewed as a tea, ginger has earned its reputation as a versatile and health-promoting spice.


Tulsi is a revered herb in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda. It holds a sacred place in Indian culture due to its spiritual significance and therapeutic properties. Tulsi is known for its aromatic leaves, which have a distinct, refreshing fragrance and a slightly peppery taste. It is celebrated for its potential health benefits, including its role in promoting respiratory health, reducing stress, and boosting the immune system. Tulsi is often consumed as a tea or used as an ingredient in herbal remedies and is considered not just a medicinal herb but also a symbol of purity and wellness in many cultures.

How to Use ?

STEP 1: Shake

STEP 2: Add 30ml of Aloeneem Tulsi Juice in 100ml warm water and consume in the morning on an empty stomach


Benefits Of Medigou Aloeneem Tulsi Juice

Immunity Booster

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Stress Reduction

Anti-oxidant Properties

Improves Respiratory Health

Blood Sugar Regulation

Get To Know The Ingredients Used


Aloe vera is a remarkable plant renowned for its numerous health and skincare benefits. With its succulent, gel-filled leaves, aloe vera has been used for centuries to soothe and heal various skin irritations, from sunburn to minor cuts and burns. Its natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties make it a popular choice for skincare products. Additionally, aloe vera's internal consumption, often in the form of juice or supplements, can aid in digestion, hydration, and immune support. This versatile plant has earned its place as a go-to remedy for a wide range of wellness needs, both inside and out.


Drumstick, also known as Moringa, is a highly nutritious and versatile plant commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. Its long, slender pods are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a valuable addition to diets in many parts of the world. Drumstick leaves, pods, and flowers are all edible and can be used in various culinary dishes. Not only is it a rich source of vitamins like A and C, but it also offers potential health benefits, such as improved digestion, enhanced immunity, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Neem is a versatile and revered tree native to the Indian subcontinent. It holds a prominent place in traditional medicine and various cultural practices due to its wide range of therapeutic properties. Neem is celebrated for its bittertasting leaves, seeds, and oil, which contain bioactive compounds with potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It has been used for centuries to address a variety of health issues, including skin conditions like acne and eczema, oral hygiene, and digestive ailments. Neem's natural insecticidal properties also make it a valuable resource for organic pest control. Its multifaceted benefits have earned it the title of "The Village Pharmacy," highlighting its importance in promoting health and well-being.


Tulsi is a revered herb in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda. It holds a sacred place in Indian culture due to its spiritual significance and therapeutic properties. Tulsi is known for its aromatic leaves, which have a distinct, refreshing fragrance and a slightly peppery taste. It is celebrated for its potential health benefits, including its role in promoting respiratory health, reducing stress, and boosting the immune system. Tulsi is often consumed as a tea or used as an ingredient in herbal remedies and is considered not just a medicinal herb but also a symbol of purity and wellness in many cultures.

How to Use ?

STEP 1: Shake

STEP 2: Add 30ml of Aloeneem Tulsi Juice in 100ml warm water and consume in the morning on an empty stomach.


Benefits Of Medigou IMMUNE RICH Powder

Enhances Immunity

Improves Gut Health

Reduces risk of Infection

Antioxidant Properties

Helps in Stress Management

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Get To Know The Ingredients Used


Aloe vera is a remarkable plant renowned for its numerous health and skincare benefits. With its succulent, gel-filled leaves, aloe vera has been used for centuries to soothe and heal various skin irritations, from sunburn to minor cuts and burns. Its natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties make it a popular choice for skincare products. Additionally, aloe vera's internal consumption, often in the form of juice or supplements, can aid in digestion, hydration, and immune support. This versatile plant has earned its place as a go-to remedy for a wide range of wellness needs, both inside and out.


Drumstick, also known as Moringa, is a highly nutritious and versatile plant commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. Its long, slender pods are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a valuable addition to diets in many parts of the world. Drumstick leaves, pods, and flowers are all edible and can be used in various culinary dishes. Not only is it a rich source of vitamins like A and C, but it also offers potential health benefits, such as improved digestion, enhanced immunity, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Ginger is a fragrant and flavorful root commonly used in cooking and traditional medicine. Its spicy and slightly sweet taste adds a unique depth of flavor to dishes and beverages. Beyond its culinary uses, ginger is celebrated for its potential health benefits. It is renowned for its anti-nausea properties, making it a popular remedy for motion sickness and morning sickness during pregnancy. Ginger also possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help alleviate various ailments, from sore throats to arthritis discomfort. Whether grated, sliced, or brewed as a tea, ginger has earned its reputation as a versatile and health-promoting spice.


Tulsi is a revered herb in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda. It holds a sacred place in Indian culture due to its spiritual significance and therapeutic properties. Tulsi is known for its aromatic leaves, which have a distinct, refreshing fragrance and a slightly peppery taste. It is celebrated for its potential health benefits, including its role in promoting respiratory health, reducing stress, and boosting the immune system. Tulsi is often consumed as a tea or used as an ingredient in herbal remedies and is considered not just a medicinal herb but also a symbol of purity and wellness in many cultures.


Neem is a versatile and revered tree native to the Indian subcontinent. It holds a prominent place in traditional medicine and various cultural practices due to its wide range of therapeutic properties. Neem is celebrated for its bitter-tasting leaves, seeds, and oil, which contain bioactive compounds with potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It has been used for centuries to address a variety of health issues, including skin conditions like acne and eczema, oral hygiene, and digestive ailments. Neem's natural insecticidal properties also make it a valuable resource for organic pest control. Its multifaceted benefits have earned it the title of "The Village Pharmacy," highlighting its importance in promoting health and well-being.


Amla is a powerful punch of nutrition and health benefits. Renowned for its high vitamin C content, Amla is considered one of nature's superfoods. It supports the immune system, aids in digestion, and promotes healthy skin and hair. Amla is often consumed fresh, as a juice, or in various culinary preparations and traditional Ayurvedic remedies. Its tart and tangy taste may be an acquired one, but the potential health rewards it offers make it a prized ingredient in natural wellness and nutrition.


Shatavari is a versatile herb deeply rooted in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Often referred to as the "queen of herbs" or "women's herb," Shatavari is celebrated for its wide-ranging health benefits, particularly its support for female reproductive health. It is believed to help balance hormones, alleviate menstrual discomfort, and enhance fertility. Shatavari also offers potential benefits for digestion, immune function, and overall vitality. This adaptogenic herb, with its soothing and rejuvenating properties, has earned its place in natural medicine and is commonly available in various forms, including powders, capsules, and herbal teas.


Ashwagandha is a revered herb in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Often referred to as the "Indian ginseng" or "winter cherry," it is celebrated for its adaptogenic properties, which means it helps the body adapt to stress and maintain balance. Ashwagandha is believed to reduce stress and anxiety, improve energy levels, and promote better sleep. Additionally, it may boost immune function, enhance cognitive performance, and support overall well- being. This versatile herb can be consumed in various forms, including capsules, powders, and herbal teas, making it a popular choice for those seeking natural remedies to improve their physical and mental health.


Haldi is a vibrant golden spice widely celebrated for its medicinal properties and culinary use. A key component in Indian cuisine and traditional medicine, haldi contains curcumin, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. It has been utilized for centuries to alleviate various health conditions, from joint pain to digestive issues. Additionally, haldi is known for its potential to boost immunity, improve skin health, and support overall well-being. Its rich, earthy flavor and vivid color make it a staple in a wide range of dishes, while its health benefits continue to draw global attention, earning it a place of honor in both kitchens and natural remedies worldwide.


Gulvel is a climbing shrub with a long history of use in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. This herb is valued for its potential health benefits, including its immunomodulatory properties, which may help boost the immune system and increase the body's resistance to infections. Gulvel is also known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which could aid in various health conditions. It is often used in Ayurveda to promote overall well-being, support liver health, and improve digestion. This versatile herb can be consumed in various forms, such as powders, extracts, or herbal teas, and is regarded as an essential component of Ayurvedic healthcare practices.

How to Use ?

STEP 1: Add 1 tablespoon of Immune Rich Powder in 100ml warm water and consume in the morning on an empty stomach.
